I’ve been a motion designer since 2014.

After college, I started working a job in marketing. I was asked to make titles for a promotional video, which was something I had never done before, so of course I went to YouTube and tried to learn how to use this weird software called After Effects.

One thing lead to another and I found myself watching SO many tutorials, learning as much as I could about how to animate. I was having so much fun doing something I had no idea even existed a few months before that.

Fast forward a few months later and an opportunity opened for me to do motion design full time. It wasn’t the career I thought I would be doing, but I took it anyways. I’m so glad I did.

Seven years and some of the most incredible experiences later, it was time for me to say goodbye to that job and begin a new season in freelancing. Once again, this has been such an amazing experience and I am having the time of my life.
